Wednesday, July 4, 2007

St Andrew's Night Celebration

York is not historically the most welcoming place for Scottish exiles. Ancient bylaws ban us from council buildings, and allow locals to shoot us with bows and arrows!

Nevertheless, York Hearts are determined to make our presence felt - and will be doing so with a special St Andrew's Night Celebration on Friday, November 30.

Precise details are currently being drawn up, but it is envisaged that the night will include a hot buffet, a DJ, a quiz, a raffle, an auction and - of course - a large and late bar.

We will be inviting a number of former players along, as well as other Hearts supporters clubs, and it promises to be a great night.

We will be travelling up to Hearts v Celtic the next day, if anyone from outside York wants to make a full weekend of it. Mark it in your diaries now!

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